The AXEL Network is the backbone of our internet-based tech products. It offers unparalleled versatility for users. It’s perfect for … Read More ... about Network
Main Content
AXEL News Update
It's an exciting time for AXEL. Here are our top recent news items: AXEL Secures a New … Continue Reading…
AXEL Events
AXEL regularly hosts events to educate people on topics such as data security, decentralized … Continue Reading…
Biggest Hacks of 2022 (Part 2)
Biggest Hacks of 2022 (Part 2) Continuing on from our previous blog, we are back with our … Continue Reading…

AXEL Illuminated
AXEL is a next-generation tech company that truly cares about your privacy and security. Technology has sped forward at an unbelievable pace. Computing power that would have taken a room to house only a few decades ago now fits in the palm of your hand. Throughout this exciting time, communication and engagement with people worldwide have become an effortless and daily occurrence for billions. On the surface, it appears like the initial potential of the internet has been realized. Dig a bit deeper, however, and you find concerning realities.
Most of our digital town squares and marketplaces are owned by a few mega-corporations that have proven that they do not prioritize user rights. They track you, they analyze your behavior, and they know every detail about your life. Is this how it has to be? AXEL envisions a better digital future.
Utilizing decentralized and distributed computing technology, AXEL aims to revolutionize the concept of trust in technology. We provide solutions to users without the need for a central authority. All AXEL Network participants are individual owner-operators of blockchain-backed Masternodes. It makes the AXEL ecosystem censor-proof, flexible for content creators and sharers, and self-governing. AXEL gives you back control of your data. It is the way for the internet to move forward without gatekeepers, grifters, and thieves. Join the revolution.

AXEL integrates exciting, innovative technologies into each one of our products and services. We develop cutting-edge solutions that offer … Read More ... about Technology

AXEL builds cutting-edge software solutions that implement exciting new technologies. We are at the forefront of decentralized technology … Read More ... about Applications
Building solutions and bringing awareness to data custody.
Forging Trust
AXEL believes that privacy is a human right. Tech companies have infringed on that right for long enough. Our corporate philosophy is that providing fantastic products and services to the customers doesn’t have to have privacy tradeoffs. Our business model doesn’t center around data collection, advertising, and tracking. We design autonomous, high-end tech solutions you can trust.
It’s time to stop accepting Big Tech’s status quo as unchangeable. You can make a difference through consumer choice. AXEL provides better alternatives.

Why IPFS is the Future of Internet Storage Systems
IPFS is a new and growing technology that underpins some of the most exciting innovations in tech since it took the stage in 2015. AXEL Go … [Read More...] about Why IPFS is the Future of Internet Storage Systems

Should Privacy be a Human Right?
With the advancements in the mass surveillance technology used by governments and corporations, maintaining individual privacy has never … [Read More...] about Should Privacy be a Human Right?

Privacy Labels Reveal Interesting Insights About Popular Cloud Drives
In late 2020, Apple launched its Privacy Label initiative[1]. Now, all apps sold through the App Store need to include a privacy label with … [Read More...] about Privacy Labels Reveal Interesting Insights About Popular Cloud Drives